Vatican Tours on hiatus

Vatican Tours on hiatus

“Why I do not see Vatican Tours on your website?” this is a very common question I am getting from my clients…

here my reply

I started doing tours in the Vatican Museums in 2009, since I’m one the museum educators, means I provide twice a week guided tours for the Vatican.

In parallel, I’ve been doing private tours of historical sites and the Vatican was one of my “best seller”.

The Museum was crowded, but not impossible to manage.

Now I have decided to stop promoting my private tours of the site: large crowds, no air conditioned rooms, skip the line tickets always sold out, long walks and no chance of customize the itinerary.

Since 2024 the early Vatican Museums tours and the early admission with breakfast will be discontinued. As the night openings.

I know, those special tours were the most requested and honestly the only decent way to visit the Vatican Museums, especially during the summer.

Visiting the Museums at 7.30 am /8.30 am was the only way to beat crowds and see the Sistine Chapel not empty, but at least not too busy.

But the Vatican Museums has decided to interrupt any early entrance or evening visit, so the museums will opens at 8 am for ALL (no special reservations available, not even for tour groups)

It’s a decision quite hard to understand.

Beside my freelance activity, I’m a Vatican Tour guide, means I’ll be working at the museums twice a week for their groups.

I’ll be able to let you know how the new schedule is working, but for the moment I’m not going to promote/suggest the Vatican, especially if you’re coming during the hot season.

My health and the safety of the clients, this is my priority.

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